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Regular Checkup


Regular check-ups are an example of preventative care and are defined as general physical exams, and not exams for a specific injury, illness, or condition. Routine check-ups generally involve monitoring an individual’s height, weight, heart rate, blood pressure, etc. and comparing those results to previous years. The purpose of regular checkups is to discover physical abnormalities earlier in order to avoid future issues entirely or begin treatment sooner. In general, regular check-ups promote and maintain good health outcomes.

Context/Impact on Health

Routine visits to the doctor allow for the potential to catch early signs of a future disease. Doctors are also able to make recommendations to patients regarding their lifestyle and suggest changes that may improve their physical condition (e.g., diet changes to address high blood pressure). Regular check-ups provide a venue for doctors to help manage and mitigate certain risk factors that may prevent chronic disease.

Data Collection Methodology

Data are available through the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) PLACES public dashboard and are collected from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), which is a state-based, telephone interview survey. BRFSS provides the prevalence of routine check-ups by modeling the percentage of adults who report having been to a doctor for a routine check-up in the previous year.


Click here for References
  1. Regular Check-up Data Source: CDC PLACES: Visits to Doctor for Routine Checkup. Data year 2020. Accessed April 2023.
  2. Jin J. Routine Checkups for Adults. JAMA. 2022;327(14):1410. doi:10.1001/jama.2022.1775,symptom%20or%20already%20diagnosed%20illness